Good afternoon Sacred Heart Parents and Families,
Today the children enjoyed preparing for our ECC Thanksgiving Feast by baking bread,
creating Turkey decorations, and sharing conversations about all that God has blessed us
with, during this time of thankfulness. During Monday’s celebration, we will gather
together as a Sacred heart family and share a Thanksgiving feast at lunchtime. The
children will be served a traditional meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, bread, corn,
stuffing, cranberry sauce and gravy. All ECC students are welcome to join our feast. If
your child does not attend school on Monday, please feel free to bring him/her into
school at 11:00am to join their classmates. We ask that you pick your child up at
12:00pm, after our celebration. We are looking forward to this special day.
Next week, we are going to conduct a test of Sacred Heart's “Snow Day” cancellation
system. Please be on the lookout for a text, phone call, and an email. This
communication should be delivered to each phone/ device in your household with the
good news of a snow day. I’m told that students get very excited when all the household
phones ring at once! We will test the system at 1:30 pm on Monday, November 21st
Please reach out to the ECC, if you did not receive a text, phone call and email so we
may fix any problems within our system.
I would like to congratulate our Sacred Heart students in grades 1-8 on their impressive
NWEA scores. I have included the graphs below, showing the average scores of each
grade compared to the Nation and the Archdiocese of Boston. Sacred Heart students
consistently scored above the national average, as well as the Archdiocese of Boston in
Reading, Math, Language and Science. Please join me in commending each of them on
their hard work. In January, our Kindergarten students will participate in the online
NWEA testing, for the first time. The teachers have begun to introduce the students to
the Chromebooks, as well as the fine tuning of the skills to control the mouse, in
preparation for testing.
Our Day of Giving is November 29th. Your generous contribution enables us to provide
a rigorous Catholic education for your children. We thank you for your continued support
of Sacred Heart. Please click here if you would like to create your own family
crowdfunding page. There is still time to donate as a sponsor or through our QR code.
More information can be found in the attachments.
Wednesday, November 23rd- 25th- Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 29th- Day of Giving
Wednesday, November 30th- Picture Retakes
Friday, December 16th- No aftercare on this day
Have a nice weekend,
Sarah Chick
Elementary & Middle School: 800-729-3098
Early Childhood Center: 800-915-6518