November 4, 2022
Good afternoon Sacred Heart Parents and Families,
This first week of November has been a very busy one, with classroom retreats and a special painting activity, celebrating World Drawing God Day. Each classroom spent time outside collecting God’s gifts of leaves, pinecones, rocks, and other special items to share in the classrooms and I’m sure some students shared their brown bags, full of God’s gifts with you, as well.
World Drawing God day was Thursday, November 3rd. Sr. Angela and I had the wonderful opportunity of reading the book Drawing God by Karen Kiefer and then helping the children to create their own beautiful watercolor pictures of God. We spent some time talking to the children about what God looks like to them and where they see or feel God. We received some heartfelt answers from the children, they saw God in their family, themselves, the sun, a heart, the church, flowers, the solar system, and many other places. Sr. Angela asks, what does God look like to you? This question would be a great discussion point during dinner or before bed over the weekend. Please click here to watch a Drawing God Read Aloud.
Our Day of Giving is November 29th. An envelope will come home in your child’s backpack today with more information on how to set up a Crowdfunding page to help support this important day. Your continued support enables us to provide a rigorous Catholic education for your children. We thank you for your continued support of Sacred Heart. Please click here if you would like to set up your own family page.
The students have settled into their routines and are doing a great job starting their day
at Sacred Heart in the mornings. We ask that Prek and Kindergarten parents please utilize our rolling drop-off and let the children walk into the building independently. Mrs. Manter is always at the desk to help guide the students down to their classrooms. The teachers are working hard to instill self-help skills, as well as independence as it is important at this growth period, the students unpack and hang up their items on their own.
Also, please kindly label your child’s water bottle, sweatshirt, and jacket to prevent lost items.
Friday, November 11th- Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 15th- Pizza Lunch at the ECC
Wednesday, November 16th- Early Dismissal at 11:25. No Uniform Day
Wednesday, November 23rd- 25th- Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, November 29th- Day of Giving
Wednesday, November 30th- Picture Retakes
Have a nice weekend,
Sarah Chick
Elementary & Middle School: 800-729-3098
Early Childhood Center: 800-915-6518