Good Afternoon,
I hope that you all enjoyed the beautiful New England Fall long weekend. We have had a good and busy week. As you know, we start each day with announcements, The Hail Mary, and The Pledge of Allegiance--I am extremely proud of the Fourth graders who are leading the school in morning prayer over the PA system. They are doing a great job as did the Fifth graders before them.
Please make sure your child comes to school with a charged Chromebook.
Progress Reports are being sent home today. Please sign and return the bottom portion to your child’s homeroom teacher. Some teachers have requested meetings with parents. If your child’s teacher did not request a meeting but you have concerns you would like to discuss or just want to touch base, please email your child’s teacher. Communication is important!
Open House for prospective new families is this SUNDAY from 12-2:00. Please spread the word! I want to express my thanks to our student volunteer tour guides and to our teachers for giving up a Sunday afternoon to come to school. We are hoping for a good turnout.
Walk-a-Thon pledges were due today for the Parents' Association. If your child did not turn in his/her pledges today, kindly send them in on Monday.
October 19th - Early Dismissal @11:30. The Parents' Association has a bowling event that afternoon. Please RSVP to to register.
October 19th - Band (modified schedule)
October 20th - Pizza lunch for Grades 1-8.
October 22nd - Trunk or Treat
October 27th - Project Safe Childhood Presentation in the auditorium for grades 4 - 8. Please refer to the email I sent out earlier this week.
October 28th - Middle School Dance--please turn in the envelopes.
We are honored to have been asked again this year to help out with the Food Pantry at St. Joseph’s in Kingston. Please see the attached form. Each classroom is collecting different items. We will do this again at Christmastime too. The need is greater than ever with food prices being so high.
Thank you,
Sister Lydia
Elementary & Middle School: 800-729-3098
Early Childhood Center: 800-915-6518