Good evening Sacred Heart Parents and Families,
The children are falling in love with learning this week and are having fun decorating the
school for fall and Halloween. I enjoy spending time in the classrooms watching the
crafts that are being created and listening to the children practice their letters, sounds
and prayers. The teachers are doing a wonderful job and there are so many smiling
faces here at Sacred Heart. Please see below for some reminders for the upcoming
Health Reminders
● As the fall season begins so do the sniffles. If your child is sick with a fever or
other illness we ask that you keep them home for 24 hours and be fever and
medication free before returning to school.
● If your child is going to be absent please email Mrs. Manter at or myself at and your child’s teacher so we are all aware of
the absence.
Monday, October 10th- No School Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 11th- Change to cold weather uniforms & Picture Day
Picture day for the Early Childhood Center only. If your child does not attend school on
that day you may bring him/her into school at 8:00 to have their picture taken. Please
dress your child in their Sacred Heart uniform.
Walk-A-Thon pledge forms and payments are due to the Sacred Heart Parents’
Association by next Friday, October 14th.
Monday, October 31- ECC Halloween Parade at 1:45. We welcome parents to watch
our Sacred Heart students parade outside around the school. Stay tuned for more
Open House next weekend, Sunday, October 16th from 12:00-2:00. Please spread
the word!
Have a nice weekend,
Sarah Chick
Elementary & Middle School: 800-729-3098
Early Childhood Center: 800-915-6518