Central Catholic High School

Friday News from Sister Lydia 10-7-2022

October 11, 2022

Good Afternoon Families,

The month of the holy rosary is celebrated during the month of October due to the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary, as part of the liturgical calendar. During this month, a special homage is often paid to Mother Mary by saying the rosary daily and the litany of the Blessed Mary.

The Rosary is a Scripture-based prayer. It begins with the Apostles' Creed, which summarizes the great mysteries of the Catholic faith. The Our Father, which introduces each mystery, is from the Gospels. The first part of the Hail Mary is the angel's words announcing Christ's birth and Elizabeth's greeting to Mary. St. Pius V officially added the second part of the Hail Mary. The Mysteries of the Rosary center on the events of Christ's life. There are four sets of Mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and––added by Saint John Paul II in 2002––the Luminous.

The repetition in the Rosary is meant to lead one into restful and contemplative prayer related to each Mystery. The gentle repetition of the words helps us to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ's spirit dwells. The Rosary can be said privately or with a group.

This month, our school will pray the Hail Mary together every morning.  Please pray with your young children to help make them familiar with Hail Mary and the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father).  


A Note from our nurse, Mrs. Lambert:

Many students are heading to the nurse’s office because they are hungry.  Please ensure your child eats a healthy breakfast and that lunch boxes contain a balanced healthy meal. Perhaps you can involve your child in the process of selecting healthy favorites? Sugary snacks just result in a crash for the children. Protein and veggies fill the children up and help them power through the day!  Please remember–soda, iced coffee, and other caffeinated beverages are NOT allowed for students.



No School Monday, October 10th

Tuesday, October 11th --switch to winter uniforms.  We are very much aware of the issues with uniforms being back-ordered.  If your child’s uniform is not here in time for Picture Day, he/she may have another photo on the photo make-up day later this fall.

Wednesday, October 12th --School Picture Day (Students should wear their winter uniforms.) We understand that some students may still be missing pieces of their uniforms.   

Friday, October 14th - Progress Reports will be sent home with each student. Teachers will request a conference with you if they feel it is necessary.  Parents may also reach out to the teacher for a meeting if they would like to discuss something or if they have questions. Regular Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on December 7th.

DUE: Friday, October 14th  - Middle School students, please return the Halloween Dance envelope if planning on attending with payment. Please remember to choose costumes that are appropriate for a Catholic school; nothing too gory, no weapons, no masks, and nothing that is disrespectful toward Sisters or Priests.  Also due: are the Walk-a-Thon pledge forms and payments for the Sacred Heart Parents’ Association.

Open House next weekend, Sunday, October 16th from 12:00-2:00. Please spread the word!

I hope you have a wonderful and restorative long weekend.

Take care,

Sister Lydia

February 16, 2023
Love is patient and kind,
February 16, 2023
Good afternoon Sacred Heart Parents and Families, The beautiful warm weather was a welcomed reprieve from last week's arctic chill, especially for our students who spent time playing outside in the sunshine today. As February is a short month, the students still have managed to squeeze in many exciting learning experiences such as 100th Day, Groundhog Day, Arctic Animal discovery, Color exploration, Self Portrait drawing and of course, St. Valentine’s Day. Next Wednesday is Sacred Heart's ECC class photo day. If your child does not attend school on this date, you are welcome to bring your child in at 8:30 to participate in the class photo with their classmates. Please send Mrs. Manter (amanter@sacredheartkingston.com) an email if you wish to attend the photo session, as we want to be sure to know of your arrival. Students should be dressed in their uniforms for the class photo. Please see the attached reminders about our exciting Calendar Raffle, the minutes from this month’s PA meeting as well as re-enrollment reminders. The re-enrollment process will begin on Wednesday, February 15th. Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Reminders: Saturday, February 11th- Ties and Tiaras Dance (sons bring your favorite gals) K-5 from 5-7PM at the Elementary School Tuesday, February 14th- Pizza Lunch Valentine’s Day, Please wear red, pink or your favorite Valentine’s attire Wednesday, February 15th- Class Photos Monday, February 20- Friday, February 24th- February Break Warm regards, Sarah Chick
February 16, 2023
Almighty God,
February 16, 2023
Good afternoon Sacred Heart Parents and Families, We had a fun-filled Catholic Schools week with many activities which brought our school community together. We know your investment in Catholic school education provides your child with a strong foundation in faith. We thank you for your commitment and dedication to our Sacred Heart family. The children created cards for local Veterans, our PA parents and beautiful valentines for our Sisters of Divine Providence. We all enjoyed celebrating our wonderful school, Sacred Heart. As our re-enrollment process is just around the corner, the Admissions’ Department shared pertinent information via email with regards to securing a place at the Early Childhood Center as well as the Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year. There are many young siblings of current Sacred Heart students, who may be ready to join our Sacred Heart family. If you are interested in registering your perspective “Little Saint,” please click here to do so. We ask that you fill out an application through our website at your earliest convenience. These spots are filling quickly and we want to be sure to be thoughtful of your wish to send any siblings to Sacred Heart. Reminders: Wednesday, February 8th- Early Dismissal at 11:25 Wednesday, February 15th- Class Photos Stay warm this weekend, Sarah Chick
December 2, 2022
Good afternoon Sacred Heart Parents and Families, December is upon us and with that, bringing colder weather and the feeling of Christmas. The ECC has begun to prepare for the Advent season, as our students are learning the true meaning of Christmas during classroom conversations and their time with Sr. Angela. This week's preparation included lighting the first candle on our Advent wreath in the lobby, helping the children understand the preparation of welcoming Jesus on his birthday. One new candle will be lit each Sunday until Christmas. I have included a special prayer shared by Sr. Angela. Please take a moment to read it with your family, as we approach the second week of Advent. In our Lobby, a lighted, Evergreen tree stands by our manger, reminding us of the special night Jesus was born. We are teaching the children that giving to others in need, this winter season, doesn’t always come wrapped as a present; it is the giving of ourselves through good deeds. This is our birthday present to Jesus. During this cold winter season, we are asking the children and families to help others by bringing new mittens/gloves, hats, scarves, socks, diapers (size 3-6) and onesies to the ECC. This small gesture will help children stay warm this winter. We will display these items on our Evergreen tree, reinforcing the “gift” of giving to others in need. Thank you for any donations you wish to contribute. Reminders: Wednesday, December 7th- Early dismissal at 11:25, no lunch Tuesday, December 13th- Pizza Lunch Thursday, December 22nd- Early Childhood Christmas Show @ 10:30. More details to follow & Early Dismissal @ 11:25 Friday, December 16th & Thursday, December 22nd- No aftercare on these days. Warm regards, Sarah Chick
December 2, 2022
This Sunday marks the beginning of the second week of Advent
November 18, 2022
Good Afternoon Families,
November 18, 2022
Good afternoon Sacred Heart Parents and Families, Today the children enjoyed preparing for our ECC Thanksgiving Feast by baking bread, creating Turkey decorations, and sharing conversations about all that God has blessed us with, during this time of thankfulness. During Monday’s celebration, we will gather together as a Sacred heart family and share a Thanksgiving feast at lunchtime. The children will be served a traditional meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, bread, corn, stuffing, cranberry sauce and gravy. All ECC students are welcome to join our feast. If your child does not attend school on Monday, please feel free to bring him/her into school at 11:00am to join their classmates. We ask that you pick your child up at 12:00pm, after our celebration. We are looking forward to this special day.
November 18, 2022
Good Afternoon ECC, Elementary, and Middle School Families,
November 18, 2022
Good Afternoon and Happy Friday,
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